Low-Carbon Heat Conference 2021 About the Event

Turn up the Heat

The decarbonisation of heat is one of Scotland’s most significant environmental and economic challenges.

Heat makes up more than half of the energy used in Scotland, so decarbonising it is essential if we are to meet our targets for 2030 and beyond. The Scottish Government has bold plans, including the doubling of the number of heat pumps installed every year for the next five years and converting more than a million homes and 50,000 non-domestic buildings to zero or low-emission heating systems by 2030.

Renewable technologies like heat pumps and solar thermal panels provided just 6.5% of Scotland’s non-electrical heat demand in 2020, and we are missing our target of 11% by 2020. To meet these targets, we’ll need to investigate several different approaches that will deliver zero-emission heating.

Renewable heat is the next big part of Scotland’s energy transition and offers significant opportunities to deliver a green recovery which will create new jobs and deliver environmental and social benefits for every community. 

Scottish Renewables’ Low-Carbon Heat Conference 2021 will examine all these issues and more.

You’ll learn:

  • How your business can grasp the opportunities presented by the inevitable shift to low-carbon heat
  • Whether the actions in the draft Heat in Buildings Strategy are ambitious enough to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from Scotland's homes, workplaces and community buildings
  • Which low-carbon heat technologies will get us to net-zero by 2045
  • How the recent heat regulations will work, whether there are any gaps – and how industry can capitalise on filling them

Why attend?
At this crucial point in time for heat policy in Scotland, this event brings together the key people in industry and policy to collaborate and explore the key issues facing the low-carbon heat industry.

Who should attend?
Industry and supply chain, local and national government, academia, public bodies, professional advisors and consultants, community groups and anyone else with an interest in the development and growth of Scotland’s low-carbon heat sector.

Sponsors & Supporters

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