Onshore Wind Conference 2024 Sponsor Event

Sponsorship packages include benefits such as full branding loyalties across all media and marketing collateral, exclusive branding in your area of sponsorship, delegate passes and speaking opportunities are also considered where applicable or relevant.

Alongside the marketing campaign, we send a series of newsletters to our database which contains 6,000+ opted-in subscribers. Sponsors logos are included on event-specific newsletters.

Your logo will also be displayed on the event website with a link to a URL of your choice.

Contact Us

To discuss opportunities on how we can support you in engaging with the market and being part of our event, please contact:

Carol Burns | Head of Strategic Partnerships & Commercial, Scottish Renewables
Evie Hoolahan | Head of Business Development, RenewableUK

How Scottish Renewables promotes your involvement in our events:


  • Our website receives upwards of 300,000 page views per year
  • Your logo will feature on the webpage of each of the events you sponsor


  • The SR X account has over 22,000 followers
  • We regularly post about our events to keep people up to date with new speakers and programme developments
  • If you have anything newsworthy you would like to communicate to the industry please send us a line and we’ll post about it


  • The SR LinkedIn page has over 33,000 followers
  • We regularly send updates about our event series to the SR LinkedIn page


  • Our database has more than 6,000 opted-in subscribers
  • For each event we send three dedicated emails – your logo will feature in dedicated e-shots for each of the events you sponsor


  • SR sends its Daily Briefing news bulletin to over 2,500 members every weekday
  • At the top of this bulletin we often keep people up to date with our events series and new sponsors
  • For each event we send between four and 10 messages in that bulletin


  • Event sponsors receive brand association throughout the event campaign that is engaging with renewables leaders, businesses, professionals, media and government
  • Our Communications Team creates a comprehensive plan to widen the reach of the event including:
  • Press releases
  • Placing exclusive stories with journalists and publications
  • Profile of speakers / nominees in relevant trade and mainstream media
  • Online adverts, print adverts and editorial in relevant trade and mainstream media including reNEWS, Executive Magazine, RenewableUK, Energy Technology Partnership, Energy Engineering, Scottish Universities, REA, The Carbon Trust, Scottish Enterprise, SDI

Sponsors & Supporters

Links to sponsors' websites will open in a new browser tab.