The Scottish Green Energy Awards 2024 The Categories

Nominations for The Scottish Green Energy Awards are now open! 

It's free to nominate and you can submit as many nominations as you wish.

Nominated individuals, projects and companies must be either based in Scotland or their work must contribute to or have an impact on the renewable energy sector in Scotland. Each nomination will consist of three questions based around the category guidelines. A 1-sided A4 document can be submitted as supplementary information. Nominations should be submitted through our online form.  

Review the categories and guidelines below. 

Nomination deadline: 5pm, Thursday 12 September 
Finalists announced: W/C 14 October 
Finalists party: Thursday 14 November (date subject to change) 
Winners announced: Live at The Scottish Green Energy Awards 2024 on Thursday 5 December


Sponsored by ScottishPower Renewables

This award celebrates the outstanding development of a renewable energy project – electricity or heat – which has been led by a community group or community organisation.


  • Project must have been completed within the last 24 months
  • Demonstrate contribution to renewable energy sector in Scotland
  • Detail how the project has benefitted the local community
  • How did the project overcome barriers and what was the outcome?
  • Please detail key information/statistics, e.g. energy produced, capacity installed, jobs created, financial income to community, carbon saved.

Sponsored by SmartestEnergy

This award recognises exemplary community, public or other stakeholder engagement before, during or after the development of a renewable energy project. Judges are looking for ideas and implementation which go above and beyond, communicating the benefits of renewable energy and raising the reputation of the sector.


  • Project must have been completed, or be under construction, within the last 24 months
  • Demonstrate contribution to renewable energy sector in Scotland
  • Detail how the project has benefitted a community, the public or other stakeholders
  • How did the developer engage and overcome barriers and what was the outcome?

Sponsored by Red Rock Renewables

The Best Innovation Award category is always one of the most hotly-contested of The Scottish Green Energy Awards, shining a light on the benefits that innovation brings to our industry. This award recognises an outstanding example of the development or implementation of an innovative product, design, solution or model which supports the development of renewable energy in Scotland, for example by enhancing value or reducing cost.


  • Project must have been completed within past 24 months
  • Highlight evidence of why this new product, design or process benefits the Scottish renewable energy sector
  • Why is it unique – how does it improve upon previous practice?

Sponsored by SLR

Data underpins everything in energy, and the people and processes which keep the terabytes flowing are central to our net-zero mission. This award gives those unsung heroes their chance to tell industry what they do – and be recognised for their often-invisible but always-vital work. Nominate now if you (or someone / a business that you know) are delivering on screen, or in the service sector in general. We’re looking for stand-out software engineers, sterling services and those with the dedication, talent and perseverance to make sure that projects stay on track from behind the scenes.


  • Software or service must have been in use in Scotland’s renewable energy sector – or elsewhere in the world if produced by a Scottish business - within past 24 months
  • Highlight evidence of why this new product, design or process benefits the Scottish renewable energy sector
  • Why is it unique – how does it improve upon previous practice?

Sponsored by Statkraft

Previous winners of this award have used renewables to cut their carbon footprint while delivering wider benefits within organisations, across communities and further afield. This year’s Carbon Reduction Award will go to a non-energy business, charity or public body which is able to demonstrate its commitment to cutting CO2 through the outstanding deployment of green energy technology.


  • Project must have been completed in last 24 months
  • Reflect how contributing to Scottish renewable energy sector
  • Provide evidence of benefits, e.g. efficiency, cost reduction, carbon savings or making in-roads within the challenging heat and transport sectors
  • List key project partners/suppliers who were involved in delivery of the project

Sponsored by Fred. Olsen Renewables

Our industry champions are truly unique and have always played an important role in creating the buzz renewables are renowned for. In a champion we are looking for an individual, team, organisation or campaign which has really shown how much the industry has to offer and helped us to tell our story in a new and different way.


  • Please provide evidence of contribution to renewables in Scotland within past 24 months

Sponsored by SSE Renewables

With more than 22,000 students studying renewable energy-related courses in Scotland at the last count, the future is bright for our industry. This award celebrates outstanding contributions made by individuals, groups or organisations to promote and uphold the highest quality standards in education, training and skills development for today's or tomorrow's workforce.


  • Initiative implemented or impact delivered within last 24 months
  • Please provide evidence to show impact on employment in Scotland’s renewable energy sector

Sponsored by BlueFloat Energy | Nadara Partnership

People are key to shaping and growing our industry, so recognising when an individual has made a clear contribution to success is hugely important. 
Previous winners of this award have demonstrated truly outstanding achievements and, through their enthusiasm, commitment and actions, have helped to grow and champion Scotland’s renewable energy sector.


  • Highlight how this individual has contributed to the success of the renewable energy sector in Scotland
  • Please explain key achievements, activities, enthusiasm and outcomes this individual has demonstrated over their life/career 

Sponsored by SSEN Transmission

Reducing carbon is our key reason for being, but renewables offers so much more to people, communities and the low-carbon energy system of the future. We’re helping to solve the next big challenges of our time. If your project has helped us take big steps forward and is an exemplar that showcases Scotland’s leadership role in renewable energy then it may well be the next winner of the Outstanding Project Award at SGEA. 


  • Project must have been completed within the last 24 months
  • Demonstrate contribution to renewable energy sector in Scotland
  • Ideally detail key information/statistics, e.g. energy produced, capacity installed, jobs created or explain its contribution to making progress on key areas such as heat and transport.

Sponsored by Corio Generation

As Scotland’s renewable energy capacity has grown, so too has the knowledge contained in companies which support its development. Projects are nothing without talented, committed development partners, and this award seeks to celebrate outstanding service of any kind within the renewables supply chain. Entry is open to professional services firms, technical experts, hardware suppliers or engineers, to name just a few, who provide services which achieve outstanding results.


  • Please supply evidence from the last 24 months, e.g. case study example
  • Reflect how your service has contributed to or impacted on the Scottish renewable energy sector.

Sponsored by Natural Power

The Industry Challenger Award celebrates the individuals, groups or organisations that have challenged the status quo to bring radical change to the industry. This could be challenges to legislation or policy, to process or product, to education, H&S or recruitment. As the industry matures, let’s celebrate the ones who are taking a new look at the challenges we face and proposing creative solutions that may ultimately benefit us all.  


  • Nominee activity must have been directly carried out within a business operating within the renewable energy sector in Scotland
  • Provide an overview of the individual, project or company, detailing the work they have done to bring radical change (can include behavioural and cultural) to the industry, who has benefitted and why the change is important.  

Sponsored by Hitachi Energy

Renewables now provide the backbone of Scotland's energy system, so it's only right that industry should be held to the highest sustainability standards. The Sustainable Development Award will be given to a renewable energy project or initiative which can demonstrate outstanding credentials in this area, delivering significantly above and beyond good practice to make long-term enhancements to the environment, society and/or economy.


  • Work must have been completed within the last 24 months
  • Demonstrate how the project, organisation, group or initiative has contributed to sustainable development, e.g. environmental impact mitigation (e.g. habitat management), building a sustainable economy, local employment, resource efficiency, carbon reduction, contribution to local health and wellbeing (e.g. recreation/leisure provision)
  • Show how the Scottish renewable energy sector has benefitted. 

Sponsored by ESB

All 2024 Young Professionals Green Energy Award winners will automatically be nominated for this award. It is therefore not possible to enter this category.     

Sponsored by Ocean Winds

An individual, organisation or project that the judges felt deserved special commendation. This category is non-enterable and the winner will be announced on the night.


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