Heat Seminar: driving strategic heat decarbonisation

26 February 2025 | Glasgow

While the decarbonisation of electricity is a Scottish success story, the dial has barely moved on heat. Delivering zero-emission heating is the next step in our energy transition and we need to act now if we are going to achieve net-zero by 2045.

Based on the Scottish Government’s heat network targets, the heat networks market is worth an estimated £5.2 billion – providing huge potential to deliver economic activity and jobs alongside affordable, low-carbon heat. When heat pumps are added to the picture, the potential becomes even greater.

But significant barriers to investment remain, with the lack of a national, strategic plan for heat networks, the slow pace at which much-needed legislation and policy are being delivered, and the cost disparity between electricity and gas high on the list.

Following the publication of Scottish Renewables’ National Heat Networks: A Vision for Scotland, this seminar will bring key industry leaders and stakeholders together to explore the actions that the Scottish and UK governments must take to deliver city-scale heat networks across Scotland and stimulate the wide-scale uptake of heat pumps.

General Enquiries

For any enquiries regarding this event, please contact Amy Lynch | Event Manager.


  • E Heat Networks

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