Heat Networks Delivery Plan publication

The Scottish Government has published its Heat Networks Delivery Plan.
Responding, Helen Melone, Senior Policy Manager at Scottish Renewables, said:
"We welcome the publication of The Scottish Government's Heat Networks Delivery Plan in which it sets out how it is going to meet very ambitious targets of 2.6TWh of output by 2027 and 6TWh by 2030 - 3% and 8% respectively of current heat supply.
"This is another step forward in the journey towards renewable heat in Scotland, at a time where the heating of buildings makes up 42% of Scotland’s energy use and heat has been described as one of the most difficult sectors to decarbonise. Decarbonising heat will be critical to help us meet our climate change targets and rapid deployment of heat networks is a key component of this work.
"It is encouraging to see the Heat Networks (Scotland) Act starting to come to fruition through this Plan, such as in plans to publish a First National Assessment on Potential Heat Networks Zones, putting funding in place through a Heat Network Fund, and the support being provided through a new Heat Networks Support Unit. We urge, however, that work must continue at pace to meet our challenging climate change targets."