Future System Operator announced

The UK Government has today (April 6) announced that it will create a new Future System Operator (FSO) to oversee the energy network.
Responding, Morag Watson, Director of Policy at Scottish Renewables, said: “We welcome today’s announcement that the UK Government will launch the Future Systems Operation (FSO) to oversee the energy network, supporting new technology and building security of supply. “Scottish Renewables has consistently advocated for the creation of a publicly-owned body to oversee our energy network, with operational independence from government, and today’s announcement of the FSO is a welcome step forward. “As net-zero progresses and our energy system becomes increasingly more electrified, the need for new functions will emerge and the FSO will play a key role in delivering this. “The establishment of the FSO should also help to ensure that a legally binding duty to support the delivery of net-zero is achieved.”