Ocean Energy and Net-Zero

4/07/23 | Reaction

A new report 'Ocean Energy and Net Zero: Policy Support for the Cost Effective Delivery of 12GW Wave and Tidal Stream by 2050' was published today by the Policy and Innovation Group at the University of Edinburgh.

The report has outlined the importance of providing targeted policy and financial support for innovation programmes and their role in lowering the overall costs associated with delivering a successful wave and tidal stream sector.

Responding, Morag Watson, Director of Policy at Scottish Renewables, said:

“The UK Government must significantly invest in Scotland’s world-leading wave and tidal sectors in order for these technologies to be developed at scale and, as today’s report makes clear, deliver up to £41 billion of value to the UK economy while bringing high-quality jobs to coastal and island communities as well as important socio-economic benefits.

“It’s an exciting time for marine power in Scotland.

“Tidal has begun to reach maturity with two array scale devices being deployed and connected to the grid while wave technology is in the early stages of development. Both will have bright futures as part of Scotland’s clean power mix and will have key roles to play on our journey to net-zero.”