Scottish Green Energy Awards shortlist sees wind, solar, tidal and more vie for honours

Scotland’s largest offshore wind farm, projects using hydrogen to store power and four green energy champions are among the shortlist for the 2019 Scottish Green Energy Awards, which is announced today (Oct 16).
The annual awards will see 44 individuals, companies and projects vie to scoop prizes in 12 prestigious categories at a 1,200-guest ceremony on December 5 in Edinburgh.
The shortlist includes household names, charities, community groups and “innovation in spades”, according to Claire Mack, Chief Executive of Scottish Renewables, which runs the awards.
She said:
“It’s impossible not to be bowled over by the quality of applications we received for the awards this year.
“Our judges, as ever, struggled to pick even the shortlist, let alone the winners. The contenders show passion, commitment and innovation in spades, and should be proud to have made it this far. We’re looking forward to a great night in Edinburgh on December 5 as we celebrate our industry’s contribution to Scotland’s economy and environment.”
The full shortlist – available at the end of this press release – includes projects, people and organisations from Dundee, Glasgow, Dumfriesshire, Caithness and Orkney, among many other Scottish regions.
Some examples, taken from that shortlist, include:
- The Event Complex Aberdeen – the city’s new conference and gig venue – is shortlisted twice for its innovative energy solutions, which include anaerobic digestion using local waste to produce biogas and a hydrogen fuel cell.
- The 588MW, £2.6 billion Beatrice Offshore Wind Farm is shortlisted three times: for its engagement with local communities; for its innovative installation techniques and for its world-leading safety standards.
- A project to rid the Isle of Canna of polluting diesel generators is shortlisted in the Best Community Project Award category. The CREE initiative replaced dirty diesel with wind and solar power, saving more than 2,400 tonnes of carbon dioxide over its 25-year lifetime.
The Scottish Green Energy Awards is headline-sponsored by EDF Renewables.
CEO Matthieu Hue said:
“The shortlist for the Scottish Green Energy Awards clearly shows the talent that exists within Scotland’s renewables industry.
"I’m always encouraged by the enthusiastic and passionate people we have in this country who are making a very worthwhile contribution to our low carbon future.
"We are proud to support the Scottish Green Energy Awards, and look forward to finding out who’s been lucky enough to pick up a prize in Edinburgh in December.”
The full shortlist is:
Best Community Project Award, SSE Renewables
- Dundee City Council for electric mobility strategy
- North Uist Development Company for UistWind
- Canna Renewable Energy and Electrification for The CREE Project, Isle of Canna
- West Highland Housing Association for Aldersyde heat project
Best Engagement Award, Xodus
- Muirhall Energy for Crossdykes Wind Farm
- Beatrice Offshore Windfarm
- Foundation Scotland & Vattenfall for the Unlock our Future Fund
- Fife Council for Glenrothes Energy Network
Best Innovation Award, Red Rock Power Limited
- Limpet Technology for the Get up Safe system
- Renewable Exchange for PPA Marketplace
- ScottishPower Renewables and Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy for Virtual Synchronous Machine software
- StorTera for the Single Liquid Flow Battery
Best Practice Award, Natural Power
- SafetyOn
- Beatrice Offshore Windfarm for ALARP Design Procedure
- Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks for Biodiversity Site Optioneering Toolkit
- ORE Catapult and Natural Power for Wind Energy Benchmarking Services
Carbon Reduction Award, SmartestEnergy
- Balfour Beatty, Dundee City Council and ESB for Caird Park Low Carbon District Energy Hub
- Glenmorangie for Dornoch Firth Distillery by-product management
- Renewable Parts' Refurbishment Centre
- Aberdeen City Council for The Event Complex Aberdeen
Champion of Renewables, National Grid ESO
- Dr Chris Pendlebury, Natural Power
- Dave Pearson, Star Renewable Energy
- Sian Wilson, Crown Estate Scotland
- Úna Brosnan, Atkins
Contribution to Skills Award, Scottish Government (Scottish National Investment Bank)
- ORE Catapult for STEM Club Start-Up
- The University of Edinburgh for the Policy and Innovation Group
- ESP for Wind and Marine Training Network
Outstanding Project Award, innogy Renewables UK Ltd
- Beatrice Offshore Windfarm
- European Marine Energy Centre for HyDIME
- SP Energy Networks for Green Economy Fund
- Aberdeen City Council for The Event Complex Aberdeen
Outstanding Service Award, Aberdeen Renewable Energy Group
- Arup
- Seaway 7 and Atkins
- Green Marine
- McFadyens Transport
Sustainable Development Award, ABB
- Aberdeen City Council for hydrogen strategy
- Balfour Beatty, Dundee City Council and ESB for Caird Park Low Carbon District Energy Hub
- Jon Clipsham, European Marine Energy Centre
- Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks for Biodiversity Site Optioneering Toolkit
Young & Inspiring Award, WSP
- Daniel Coles, SIMEC Atlantis Energy
- Ethan Glencross, Renewable Parts
- Adele Brownlie, EDP Renewables
- Hannah Houston, University of Strathclyde
The Outstanding Contribution Award, sponsored by Highlands and Islands Enterprise
- No shortlist, winner announced on the night.
Sponsors of the 2019 Scottish Green Energy Awards include EDF Renewables (Headline Sponsor); Muirhall Energy & WWS Renewables (Programme Sponsor); ASH Design + Assessment, EICC, Green Investment Group, MacArthur Green, Oceaneering, RES, Scottish Investment Bank, Scottish & Southern Electricity Networks, Siemens Gamesa (Event Sponsors); RPS (Social Media Sponsor); reNEWS (Official Media Partner).
The awards’ judging panel was made up of representatives of sponsor companies.