UK’s largest renewable energy awards to be held in hybrid format

The Scottish Green Energy Awards – the UK’s largest celebration of renewables – open today (July 28).
This year‘s event will take place in a hybrid format, with a socially-distanced physical awards ceremony and live-stream to comply with the latest government guidelines.
Nominations are open for 11 categories, with submissions welcome from all renewable energy technologies, from wind, hydro and solar to wave power, low-carbon heat and more.
Categories this year include Best Innovation, Best Community Project and Outstanding Contribution. The awards ceremony on November 26 will be hosted by comedian Jo Caulfield.
Claire Mack, Chief Executive of Scottish Renewables, said:
“Scotland’s renewable energy industry is playing a critical role in our fight against climate change.
“The Scottish Green Energy Awards gives us an opportunity to take a step back and celebrate the truly incredible work being done by our industry as we work towards net-zero.
“Every year I am inspired by the talent, passion and innovation showcased by those doing ground-breaking work which is driving real change as we work to decarbonise our energy system.”
The event, headline-sponsored by EDF Renewables, will take place at the Edinburgh International Conference Centre.
Nominations are now being accepted in the following categories:
- Best Community Project Award
- Best Engagement Award (sponsored by Smartest Energy)
- Best Innovation Award (sponsored by Red Rock Power Limited)
- Carbon Reduction Award
- Champion of Renewables Award
- Contribution to Skills Award
- Outstanding Contribution Award (sponsored by Highlands and Islands Enterprise)
- Outstanding Project Award (sponsored by RWE Renewables)
- Outstanding Service Award
- Positive Improvement Award (sponsored by Natural Power)
- Sustainable Development Award
The shortlist for a final category, the Young and Inspiring Award sponsored by WSP, consists of the eight winners of June’s 2020 Young Professionals Green Energy Awards.
They include Project Engineer Elsa Ramírez for her work in designing the world’s first submersible drilling rig of its kind and size; a Hydrogen Research Engineer who’s exploring the future economic power of green hydrogen and a Development Officer who has facilitated the combined installation of 542kW of solar PV across Scotland’s communities.
Matthieu Hue, CEO of EDF Renewables, the event’s headline sponsor, said:
“This has been a most unusual and incredibly tough year for everyone but it has shown we have the ability to make important decisions quickly and to make positive changes. I believe together we need to build on these changes to make the green recovery a reality.
“This year’s awards will be different to others, but this industry is a resilient one and there will no doubt be the same number of incredible achievements to celebrate. We are proud to support as headline sponsors once more.”
Nominations for the 2020 Scottish Green Energy Awards must be made before the deadline of 5pm on Friday September 4 at
- The Scottish Green Energy Awards is sponsored by EDF Renewables, Edinburgh International Conference Centre, Highlands and Islands Enterprise, MacArthur Green, Natural Power, Red Rock Power Limited, RWE Renewables, SmartestEnergy and WSP. The event is also supported by our official media partner reNews, and our official charity partner Renewable World.
- A list of previous winners can be found here.
- Professional pictures of last year’s event are available here.
- The event hashtag is #SGEA20, and we are @ScotRenew.