SR Final Response: Consultation on the Regulatory Framework, Including Market Arrangements for Multi-Purpose Interconnectors
Letter to Prime Minister: Accelerated delivery of an investment mechanism for Large-Scale, Long-Duration Electricity Storage
SR Draft response: Consultation on the Regulatory Framework, including Market Arrangements for Multi Purpose Interconnectors
SR Final Response: Ofgem consultation on the Early-Stage Assessment for Anticipatory Investment
SR Response: Hydrogen Allocation Round 2 consultation
Out and About June 2023
SR Response: Ofgems open letter on future reform to the electricity connections process
Eskdalemuir Working Group - Scope of Work
Eskdalemuir Working Group – Terms of Reference
Eskdalemuir Working Group Meeting Minutes (18 April 2023)
SR Final Response: Consultation on Community Benefits for Electricity Transmission Networks Infrastructure
Vacancy - Senior Policy Manager | Onshore Wind & Consenting