Consultation response: Aberdeenshire Council Proposed Local Development Plan (LDP) 2020 (3/3)
Consultation response: Aberdeenshire Council Proposed Local Development Plan (LDP) 2020 (2/3)
Consultation response: East Ayrshire LDP2 Main Issues Report
Consultation response: Aberdeenshire Council Proposed Local Development Plan (LDP) 2020 (1/3)
Supply Chain Development Statement engagement paper - final response
Renewable Energy’s Rural Impacts
Onshore and Offshore Wind Pipeline (June 2020)
Consultation response: Changes to Feed-in Tariff Deadlines
Monthly Briefing July 2020
Submission to the UK Parliament's Treasury committee inquiry into economic impact of coronavirus
SR letter to the Chief Planner requesting amendment of the Moray LDP 2020
Submission to the UK Parliament's Scottish Affairs committee inquiry into Coronavirus and Scotland