SR Response: Minded to decision on TMO4+ Connections Reform
Maximising Net Socio-Economic Benefit of Renewable Energy Guidance and Reporting Framework
Letter to the Prime Minister and First Minister - Review of Electricity Market Arrangements (REMA)
SR Response: Code Administrator consultation for CMP444: Introducing a cap and floor to wider generation TNUoS charges
SR open letter to NESO on treatment of New and Modification Applications (ModApps) under pause in connections applications
SR Draft Response: CfD Allocation Round 7 consultation
Slides: SR Economics & Markets Policy Update Webinar March 2025
SR briefing note: TNUoS - CMP444 Introducing a cap and floor to wider generation TNUoS charges
Slides: SR Low-Carbon Heat and Solar Policy Update Webinar March 25
SR Response to Ofgem’s Regional Energy Strategic Plan Impact Assessment consultation
SR Open letter on inequitable treatment of modification applications under pause in connections applications
SR Response: CMP432: Improve “Locational Onshore Security Factor” for TNUoS Wider Tariffs