Final response: Minded-to Decision and further consultation on Pathway to 2030
Final response: The Offshore Wind Environmental Improvement Package opportunity to comment survey
Monthly Briefing July 2022
Final Response: Proposed Changes to Fees Consultation
Final response: Ofgem call for input on Locational Pricing Assessment
Final Response: Contracts for Difference - Consultation on Updating the Allocation Round 5 Supply Chain Plan Questionnaire
Final response: Offshore Transmission Network Review – Multi-Purpose Interconnectors: Minded-to Decision on interim framework
Final response: Offshore Coordination - Consultation on Anticipatory Investment and Implementation of Policy Changes.
Monthly Briefing June 2022
SR letter in response to the TNUoS Task Force update
Final response: call for input on the future of local energy institutions and governance.
Final Response: NatureScot General Pre-application and Scoping Advice for Solar Farms