Final Response: Call for Ideas on The Future for National Parks in Scotland
Joint letter to the Chancellor of the Exchequer on the detrimental implications of a windfall tax on electricity generators
Grid & System Forum May 2022
Recommendations of Reform to the Electricity Act 1989
Supporting Scotland's Renewable Energy Supply Chain
Draft: NatureScot General Pre-application and Scoping Advice for Solar Farms
SR final response: CMP315 and CMP375 Workgroup Consultation
Eskdalemuir Working Group Meeting Minutes (7 April 2022)
Report: Eskdalemuir Seismic Study Work (Phase 1-4)
Monthly Briefing May 2022
Final Response: Hydrogen Business Model and Net Zero Hydrogen Fund Market Engagement on Electrolytic Allocation
Final Response: DPEA Review of Working Practices - Pre-examination Meetings, Hearings and Inquiries