Onshore Wind

The Scottish Onshore Wind Sector Deal sets out commitments from the Scottish Government and the onshore wind industry to deliver our collective ambition of 20GW of onshore wind in Scotland by 2030 whilst delivering maximum benefit to Scotland. There are 63 commitments in total:

  • 19 for the Scottish Government
  • 27 for the onshore wind industry
  • 17 collaborative commitments

The deal was negotiated over twelve months and signed on September 21, 2023. The Sector Deal document can be viewed and downloaded from the Scottish Government website.

The development of the deal and its implementation are overseen by a Strategic Leadership Group (SLG) established by the Scottish Government. Details of the SLG and minutes of its meetings can be found on the Scottish Government website.

There are thirteen developers whose projects represent the majority of the project pipeline out to 2030. Representatives of these thirteen companies plus representatives of the five Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs - turbine manufacturers) were brought together by SR to form the G12/S5 Group

During the negotiations, this group acted as an advisory board, ensuring that the commitments made were acceptable to the onshore wind industry.  During the implementation phase of the SOWSD, they continue to act as an advisory board, assisting SR in ensuring the effective delivery of the commitments made by the industry. The members of the G12/S5 are listed below.


To receive updates on implementing the Scottish Onshore Wind Sector Deal straight to your inbox, sign up to our mailing list.


G12/S5 Group Members

  • ScottishPower Renewables - Barry Carruthers
  • SSE Renewables - Heather Donald
  • EDF Renewables - Jon O'Sullivan
  • ESB - Clark Crosbie
  • Energie Kontor - Andrew Warrington
  • Vattenfall - Frank Elsworth
  • Statkraft  - Richard Mardon
  • Muirhall Energy - Lesley McNeil
  • Fred Olsen Renewables - Kirsty Leiper
  • RWE - Victoria (Vickie) Allen
  • RES - John Boyce
  • Banks Group - Robin Winstanley
  • Renantis - Saurabh Shah
  • Siemens Energy - Andrew Elmes
  • Nordex - Jason Welsh
  • Vestas - Roger Salomone
  • Enercon - Rachel Bowes
  • GE Energy - Maria Cassab
OWSD signing 21.09.23

Onshore Wind Sector Deal Updates

Click here to view Sector Deal updates for each of the seven themes.

Onshore wind - credit Ted Leeming

Scottish Onshore Wind Project Pipeline

Every six months, we publish an analysis of the Scottish onshore wind project pipeline out to 2030 as part of the Scottish Onshore Wind Sector Deal.


Eskdalemuir Working Group

The Eskdalemuir Array in the Scottish Borders is part of the UK’s obligations under the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty. Onshore wind projects within 50km of the array would require consultation with MoD before determination. Find out more.