Scottish Onshore Wind Project Pipeline
In the Scottish Onshore Wind Sector Deal, the onshore wind industry committed to provide an analysis of the expected pipeline of new onshore wind projects, extensions to existing projects, life extensions and re-powering projects expected between 2023 and 2030. This will enable Government and statutory consultees to plan for the resources that will be required to process applications.
This analysis was carried out by BVG Associates and includes when these developments are likely to be submitted for Section 36 consent or planning permission, the likely geographic distribution of development between planning authorities, and the potential MW scale of development.
The database continues to be managed by BVG Associates on behalf of Scottish Renewables. The analysis will be updated in spring and autumn each year to bring the project database in line with the latest information available in the public domain. The latter of the two updates will involve re-engaging with developers on potential future projects, not yet in the public domain, to ensure the database is as representative of the future of onshore wind in Scotland as possible.
In addition to this, BVGA are gathering feedback on the current model and requests for future iterations to make sure that the model is meeting the needs of stakeholders. If you would like to get in touch, please contact Stuart Whittingham at BVGA.
The December 2023 report has both a full report that gives detailed information on how the project pipeline was analysed and a summary report of key findings from the full report.
The December 2024 report has been restructured. Just a full report is provided and the information it contains has been streamlined.
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Scottish onshore wind project pipeline analsysis - December 2024
Scottish onshore wind project pipeline analysis - June 2024
Scottish onshore wind project pipeline analysis - December 2023