Sector Deal - Circular Economy Update

Scottish Onshore Wind Sector Deal Update: Circularity

As Scotland’s onshore wind sector grows, maximising the reuse of materials and minimising waste in the supply chain presents an economic opportunity, particularly as more sites become ready for decommissioning. Scotland can be a world leader in the reuse, refurbishment, remanufacturing, and recycling of wind turbine components and wider assets, which in turn will create jobs and export opportunities.

The Scottish Onshore Wind Sector Deal includes 4 individual commitments that will support the creation of a circular economy in Scotland.


Positioning Scotland as a World Leader in Material Circularity

In the Sector Deal, the onshore wind sector committed to collaborate with the Coalition for Wind Industry Circularity (CWIC) to publish its full programme of commitments and support efforts to develop innovative circular supply chain development, progress Scottish supply chain options for reused, refurbished, and remanufactured component parts, and establish a common standard for reporting on individual company approaches.

The Sector Deal also commits to delivering at least one specialist blade treatment facility in Scotland by 2030.

Who is Involved

The work on circularity is being led by the Coalition for Wind Industry Circularity, which includes the University of Strathclyde, SSE Renewables, Renewable Parts Limited, Scottish Renewables, National Manufacturing Institute Scotland, Extend Plus, Zero Waste Scotland, Orsted, Natural Power, ScottishPower Renewables, Iberdola Offshore Renewables, The Crown Estate, and enterprise agencies. Please contact Morag Watson, Director of Onshore, Scottish Renewables if you have any queries.

Work Update

  • The Scottish Government wrote to the Enterprise Agencies, Zero Waste Scotland, and SEPA encouraging them to participate in the CWIC initiative.
  • CWIC is moving from its current informal administration structure to a new governance structure with full-time administration from a support partner with specialised experience in the set-up and delivery of similar large industry bodies. This work will take place over the summer of 2024 and the updating of the 'greenprint' has been integrated into this change in governance structure.